Dr. Anna Vartanian
Research Assistant

Anna completed her PhD in Economic Sciences in 2017, defending her thesis on the Economics of Nature and Environmental Protection at the Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Researches, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She also holds a Master's Degree in Organizational Management (2004) from the Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine. As an Associate Professor, she lectured on environmental economics and has experience managing communications for non-profit enterprises in the health sector.
Anna's main scientific interests relate to sustainable tourism development in natural areas following the principles of inclusiveness and minimal negative impact on the environment.
Anna moved to Canada with her husband and 3 children under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel Program. She and her family plan to stay in Canada until it is safe to return home.
Anna loves to be close to nature, travel, and read, and finds it relaxing to ice skate.