Dr. Rachel Harris
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Rachel holds a B.Sc. in Nutrition and a post-graduate Diploma in Dietetics from King’s College, University of London, UK. Upon completion, she worked as a Clinical Dietitian at St. George’s Hospital and Atkinson’s Morley’s Hospital, South London, for eight years, specializing in artificial feeding and acute nutritional intensive care.
Returning to her homeland of Barbados in 2000, Rachel joined the Barbados National Cancer Study in 2003 and worked as a nutrition consultant for six years. More recently, Rachel worked as a Project Manager with the Barbados National Salt Study (2011-2015), a research project funded by the Ministry of Health Barbados.
Rachel completed her Ph.D. in Public Health in 2021. Her thesis focused on the epidemiology of known dietary risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in adult Barbadians, adding to the field of nutritional epidemiology for the Caribbean. Her journal publications include work in dietary assessment, nutritional adequacy, and dietary risk factors for Barbadians.
Rachel is the proud mother of four beautiful children and enjoys gardening, reading, meeting people, and nature.