Speaking of Health: outside of the hospital
In support of the vision of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation (RAHF) to “improve the health of Albertans by building passionate community support for the RAH,” and building on the existing Speaking of Health lecture series led by the RAHF, from May – November 2018, the IGHRG is facilitating a complementary seminar series to bring the knowledge and expertise within the RAH outside the walls of the hospital and into the wider community. The seminars will be tailored to various groups and will highlight the social determinants of health and local health concerns and issues. This series will increase knowledge and awareness amongst staff and clients of various community organizations and within communities themselves. Participants will have a safe space to receive information and ask questions, and participating staff will gain an increased understanding of the health concerns and issues their clients may face and be exposed to reliable resources to enhance their services. Each of the seminars is developed collaboratively with local experts and adapted to the target audience accordingly.
Topics and partners
1. Healthy you: Preventing and managing chronic disease with good nutrition and exercise
2. Women's health: colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening services
3. Healthy hearts and bones, together with CK Hui Heart Centre
4. Healthy start: the importance of breast feeding and complementary feeding, together with Lois Hole Hospital for Women
5. Healthy aging, together with the Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Alberta
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation Speaking of Health lecture series:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s the idea behind Speaking of Health, a free public lecture series presented by the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation. Featuring informative lectures from some of Canada’s foremost health care experts, Speaking of Health offers people from all walks of life valuable information about their health and the best ways to take charge of it. The Speaking of Health lecture series are held each April and October and are free of charge. Each lecture is held at 7pm in the Robbins Learning Centre, located at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
More information is available here.